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Places to visits in Varanasi ( Banaras )Nagari

  11 Best Places to Visit in Varanasi Written by Anand Yadav March 12, 2021 l Want to experience the spirituality of India at its most vibrant? Head to Varanasi in  Uttar Pradesh . This ancient city, inhabited continuously for some 2,800 years (and counting), is one of the holiest places for Hindus. Devotees believe Varanasi is where they can break free from the cycle of rebirth and unite with the divine upon death. The conviction manifests in a profound intensity that pulses throughout the frenetic city. The center of action in Varanasi can be found at the  Banaras ghats  — a series of giant steps leading to the  Ganges River . In the morning, the devout descend the stairs to wash away their sins in the holy water, and at night, they return for fire-fueled prayer ceremonies. The energy continues throughout the day in the  labyrinthine old city . Legend has it that no accurate map has ever been drawn of Varanasi's complex web of twisting alleys. Expect to get lost and experience so

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